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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Favorite Time

I think my favorite time of the year would have to be fall. It's so beautiful now, especially in Chicago land. I mean, you got your tree leaf colors, a wide variety of yellows, oranges, reds, browns, etc. It's like the outside world is a giant collage is waiting for you to see it.

Another thing is the weather. Chicago has TERRIBLE weather. The summer's too hot. The winter's too cold. The spring isn't quite warm enough for my taste. Fall is a little on the chilly side, but I like the briskness of it. The wild isn't unbearable yet.

Also, THANKSGIVING!!! Tons 'o' friends, FOOD.... Enough said.

Monday, November 7, 2011


All other things being equal, would you rather read a book that’s hard/challenging/rewarding or light/enjoyable/easy?

Umm, I think I'd honestly like to read a book that's more challenging in my free time. You gotta read a book that makes you think, you know? 

I mean, all books technically make you think, of course, but I like my books to force me to mull the theme over again and again. They gotta make me think outside of the box.

A book that is really omnipresent when I think of rewarding books is The Once and Future King by TH White. Seriously, the guy is hilarious. When Sir Grummore and King Pellinore are jousting their asses off and not getting a single blow in, that's just priceless, man.

But the book is more than comedy. It's a lot of other, darker, deeper things too. I haven't quite finished it, yet. (It's pretty darn long, see.) However, I can't wait to read the end!!!

That's the kind of novel I want the opportunity to be around and analyze my whole life. That is the definition of, in my opinion, literature. 


You know what I hate about trick or treaters?

I mean, I know it isn't Halloween anymore, and I'm only fourteen, but I wish the people coming to my door to take the candy that I could just as easily be eating myself would introduce themselves, their costumes, and why the heck they're wearing it.

Come on, is it so much to ask?!?

Hee hee, I sound like my Grandma :P

7x7x7x7 Poem

Fortunately This Wasn't Necessary - From Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Page 7

Fortunately this wasn't necessary.
The pull on the trigger, the crack of the barrel
The burst of the blood
They could be done without
So the strange bandana'd man was lucky
He got to see another sunrise
From the top of a green and windy hill

.....I have no idea what is going through my mind right now. 

Frost on the Pumpkin


It's turning cold-ish again!!!

Right now, I totally wish I lived in Miami.

But I soo wouldn't be a fan of their football team, ha ha :D

Okay, that was mean, C.C. 

Anger and Pain

Have you ever experienced bottling up your anger or pain? What happened when you couldn't contain your anger or pain anymore? 

Okay, I am the expert on anger. Seriously, I think I need to go to therapy, ha ha.

Whoa, whoa, slow down there. I was kidding. Don't hurriedly click off the page because you think I'm a maniac. In some ways I am, yes, but I can control my emotions.


I've had my share of bottling up anger and pain, however. For example: there was this guy back in sixth grade who I was totally in love with. I know, sixth grade, I was young and dumb and foolhardy, but what the heck, right? Anyways, he was awesome.

He was nice, smart, athletic, and basically everything a girl could want for in one boy. Problem was, he liked my best friend. I wasn't really crushed, per say, because it didn't surprise me. My best friend, as nice as she was, and still is, was perfect. She was everything a boy could want for. So they got together.

Then he wasn't so nice anymore. My best friend started getting awkward around him. He started calling her mean names. Their relationship began to be extremely rocky. Blinded by my crush, I could never find anything wrong when the other girls in my class bagged on him.

Sooner or later, they broke up, and I thought, "This is my chance!!!" He started flirting with me, I started flirting with him, and we were literally best friends. He even gave me his number. Unfortunately, I never got to make a move, because everybody else in the class hated him. So he transferred to a different school over the summer.

I pretended to despise him. When the others ranted about his cockiness, bad language, or dirty mind I played along. But secretly I still missed the idiot. I saw him from time to time. I even saw him at church occasionally, but when he waved, I just glared back, convinced of my friends' opinion of him.

Soon, I guess we began to forget about each other. The thought of him didn't torment me when I lay awake at night anymore. I don't think I cared for awhile. But we had this giant multi-school formal get together last winter, and he asked me to dance.

That was the last time we've been casual with one another. The last time we were friends. His sister died not long after that dance, and when I went to say how sorry I was at the funeral, he looked at me with these cold, lifeless black eyes, so different from the blue ones I was used to. I didn't know what to say, so     I tapped on his shoulder and said in a dead voice, "...Are you okay?"

He stared at me, saying that he, in fact, was fine. I knew he wasn't though. When I tried texting him over the summer, he usually just ignored me, leaving me to wonder what it was, exactly, that I did to hurt him.

That's what gets me the most. Now when I see at school everyday, since we go to the same high school, he acts like he hates me. Now when I greet him in the hallway, he doesn't even turn around to say hi back.

He acts like I don't exist, and I don't know why, and it's killing me.

Whooooaaaaa..... Did I just totally depress you? Sorry 'bout that. 

This is actually a true story about me. Weird, right? This dude COMPLETELY confuses me. I'll figure it out in the end, though. No worries, people!!

Friday, November 4, 2011


A short SHORT story I wrote.

Fabo was an alien. And that was that.

I'm SORRY!!! I'm having INTENSE writer's block right now... this is pathetic, yes, but I'll get up and running again in no time don't worry!!!

Monkey Boy

A short story I wrote.

William Earlington was dumbfounded. He'd had no idea. None whatsoever that an innocent genetics test could lead to this.

He'd gotten the cursed news in a standard, dooming manila envelope that morning. With steady hands that would soon be shaky and uncontrollable, he'd known for the first time in his life who his father was.

Growing up, Will had imagined the absent man to be tall, proud, and powerful. If he were there, he'd protect Will from all of the bullies in his life who'd made fun of him for his height, hunched back, and excessive facial hair. He'd take Will onto his inviting lap and tell him all sorts of wonderful stories of his own childhood, when he had met William's mother, and how he loved his son so very, very much.

William's father was not that man. William's father was an ape.

A Bonobo, to be specific, living in a dingy, run down zoo not far from William's house. At least, he was living there. He was probably dead by now.

William glared down at his misshapen, hairy hands. They were bigger than normal people's, and the fingers flexible and curved inwards. He'd hated them his whole life. Now the tears were threatening to overflow and run down his face like a cascading waterfall, but he blinked hard and turned away. He was going to write to his mother and get to the bottom of this.

As he wrote furiously, Will thought of his previous perception of himself. He always thought of himself as human. There was never something inside of him, there was nothing instinctual, to tell him otherwise.

Something struck him like thunder suddenly, and William felt faint. He wasn't fully human, so did that mean he didn't even have a soul? He had always been extremely religious. Sometimes it felt like God was his only friend, like he was the only one he could turn to. What if God, his one supporter, didn't accept him anymore? What then?

You decide.

Back and Forth Poem: Husband and Wife

You promised me you'd clean the car, and fix the porch, and pay the bills
You promised me these easy things and yet you sit there, jaw gone slack
You sit there like a lifeless rock, a being with a low IQ
So where's the man I married? And dear, pray tell when he'll be back

Hon, I'd love to do those things you tell me. Whaddaya call 'em... chores?
But the Colts and Jets are on right now, I've got to watch them play
I'm sorry 'bout the trouble I've caused, it's really not my fault, you see
I guess those chores will have to wait another couple days...

or months...

or years...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I've been doing my History homework lately (weird, right?) and I noticed something very interesting that happens often during the course our past.


If you don't know, supplication means a figure of authority supplying those who need their help, but can't get what they require.

You might say to yourself, "Hey, that's not such a bad idea!" It is.

Take healthcare and the welfare system for example. As Rush Limbaugh would say it, "I inspire people to think, to get up and do things for themselves. Barack Obama inspires them to sit down and wait for the government to take care of their lives!" The government's job is to protect us, not to control us. Not only does that mean that they shouldn't pass excessive laws, but it means that they shouldn't spoil us, either. We must work for ourselves. We must pursue our own happiness.

A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. There will be sleeping enough in the grave. -Benjamin Franklin

Five Things About Myself

1. I'm horrible at academics. Just the whole school atmosphere, other than seeing my friends everyday, really gets to me.

2. I hate it when people make fun of Texans. My whole family is from the South, especially the Lone Star State. You're not dumb just because you've got an accent or if you agree with capital punishment!

3. I love to read. Everything, it doesn't really matter what. Novels are life changing, poetry is beautiful, it all just makes me go ahhhhhh at the end of each day.

4. I don't believe in man-made global warming. Look, I could go at this topic for days and bore you to death, but here's the bottom line. I don't deny that global warming is happening. That would be ignorant. What is even more ignorant is to say that the current warming is above and beyond natural warming, and that we as humans have to power to cause a natural cycle that was here and running long before we ever even existed.

5. I'm Catholic. I have a lot of respect for other religions, but personally I try to be faithful to my lord Jesus Christ every step of the way.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Here's a story that might make you laugh.

One thing you guys ought to know about me is that I hate bikes. I hate them with a fiery, undying passion. I'm not really sure why, though, unless it was just something I was born with. The thing is, everyone else in my family loves them! Clearly I'm the only one who was born with the sanity gene.

Sometimes I speculate: what is it that I can't stand about them? Is it the uncomfortable seat? Or the goofy looking helmets? Perhaps it's the way I'm never going quite as fast as I want to. Like the whole time I'm just thinking, "I would've been there by now if my mother had driven me."

Lack of speed is definitely one of the factors that got me into this particular disaster.

It was a stiflingly hot day in the middle of June, last summer. It was the sort of day that made you want to lie under a shady tree and pass out, panting like an exhausted dog. My mother had informed me that morning that bike riding was wholesome, especially when it's a gorgeous 95 degrees outside! My sister, the "good child" as always, agreed.

I argued with them, but to no avail. They were completely convinced that pre-industrial transportation was the way to go. And so I made the long trek downhill to volleyball practice.

The day waned. The sun moved higher in the sky. The sidewalk sizzled and melted a little bit pleasantly.Volleyball practice ended. The moment I stepped outside I knew I would die on my way home. The sweat was literally dripping off me by the gallon. With a heavy heart, I clambered onto the sticky black seat and pedaled at a slow, agonizing pace.

I was actually making progress! "Hey," I thought as I smiled wearily to myself. "This isn't so hard." And so I inched along. But then I saw the hill. It was massive, much larger from the bottom then it had seemed to be from the summit, when I was on my way to practice. (Well, it wasn't really a summit, seeing as I live in Wilmette, Illinois, but you get the idea.)

How could any normal human possibly climb that thing? A flash, a welcomed cool breeze, and I saw my sister fly by me with ease. Well that was just fine. She had a new bike, with all sorts of fancy gears. I had a rickety old thing that once belonged to my mother. It took forever to work through the rust on the pedals! I sadly started my journey up.

To make a long, depressing story short, it took me about an hour and a half to arrive at home, when it only should've taken me fifteen minutes. I creaked, wobbly at the knees into the alley behind my house. With the last dashes of my energy, I hurled the cursed thing at our back fence and left it there for hours. "Why doesn't it go ahead and get stolen, for all I care!" I thought dimly, and I stumbled into my peaceful, air conditioned kitchen.

Unfortunately, as I would discover late that night, that's exactly what would happen.

View Point 411

Okay guys, so I'm kinda new at this whole "blogger" thing, so if y'all could like, give me some tips or something, that would be much appreciated!

For example, if there's anything you'd like me to discuss, if there're any questions you want answered, if you just plain hate my ugly guts, anything at all!!!

A Million Dollars

What if you had a million dollars, but you had to give it all up to three different groups or people? Who would you give it to? Why?

First of all, that would suck, because I love money. But if I really had to give it all up, I'd probably give some to my country, some to my military, and the rest to the Republican Party.

I'd give a third of it to the U.S. of A. because I love my country so much. I'm so lucky to live in the greatest country in the world.

I'd give a third of it to the U.S. Military because I'm extremely grateful for the things each soldier has done to uphold my rights.

Finally, I'd give a third of it to the Republican Party for two reasons. For one, I'm a conservative myself, and I pretty much agree with everything they stand for. Second of all, they take a hell of a lot of crap for being sexist, agist, racist, materialistic devil spawn. Now, that isn't only just BS, it's insulting, too. Look, they're not twisted, evil politicians. They're damn smart. 

A List of Things I Found on the Sidewalk

So, I went for a short walk just now. This is what I saw.

1. A leaf
2. Some grass
3. Concrete
4. Dirt

...It was a reeaallyy short walk


Purple's a classic color.
And by that I mean awesome.
It means cool and suave.
And regal and noble and powerful.
All at the same time.
Purple reminds me of violets.
They seem so fragile, but they can endure even the harshest of weather.
I try to think about this as I endure the ups and downs of life.
Purple is beautiful, yet modest.
Purple is laid back, yet proud.
But if you turn purple.
Then it's not so great anymore.

How I Use Facebook

Okay, okay. From my standing, it seems like Facebook's been getting a lot of crap lately. My elders, at least, get a kick out of bashing it at any opportune moment. They say, "It's too confusing," "It's a hotspot for cyber bullying," or "When will my kids talk to people again?!"

The first two points I understand hands down. For someone who hasn't had the privilege of growing up with computers like my generation has, I'm guessing it can seem pretty darn impossible! Especially since the format changes every other week, Mark!

As for the cyber bullying, well, I wouldn't say it's a hotspot. The site has been pretty good about security measures. Plus, I know most everyone out there would never dream of doing something so cruel and low to another person. Fortunately, I've never gone through something like that yet. But there's still the odd idiot who thinks it's hilarious to post something derogatory where everyone can see it. I'm not denying that.

The only thing I totally disagree with is when my parents act as though computers have taken over my mind. They harp and pine over the good old days, when everything was simple. And I don't even go on it that much! Look, there's such a thing as a life outside of Facebook, which is what everybody who uses it has unless they're stalkers. It's sort of like the private social life, and after an overwhelming week at high school, I think I kind of deserve that down time.