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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Million Dollars

What if you had a million dollars, but you had to give it all up to three different groups or people? Who would you give it to? Why?

First of all, that would suck, because I love money. But if I really had to give it all up, I'd probably give some to my country, some to my military, and the rest to the Republican Party.

I'd give a third of it to the U.S. of A. because I love my country so much. I'm so lucky to live in the greatest country in the world.

I'd give a third of it to the U.S. Military because I'm extremely grateful for the things each soldier has done to uphold my rights.

Finally, I'd give a third of it to the Republican Party for two reasons. For one, I'm a conservative myself, and I pretty much agree with everything they stand for. Second of all, they take a hell of a lot of crap for being sexist, agist, racist, materialistic devil spawn. Now, that isn't only just BS, it's insulting, too. Look, they're not twisted, evil politicians. They're damn smart. 

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